Sadly, James Wolcott Still Can't Forgive His Brother For Calling Him a Pussy In 1974

Erudite pundit brothers Christopher and Peter Hitchens have been estranged for four years and no one told me? Apparently, it's over a rather lame Stalin joke. This is just like that episode of Frasier where Niles gets upset over Frasier's refusal to acknowledge the necessity of Lenin's crushing of the Kronstadt rebellion!
Demonstrating his usual class, Hitchens manages to piss off even a literary festival audience, usually notable for their ability to sit through almost anything.
Female audience member: Excuse me. I'm not usually awkward at all but I'm sitting here and we're asked not to smoke. And I don't like being in a room where smoking is going on.
CH (smoking heavily): Well, you don't have to stay, do you darling. I'm working here and I'm your guest. OK . This is what I like.
IK Would you just stub that one out?
CH No. I cleared it with the festival a long time ago. They let me do it. If anyone doesn't like it they can kiss my ass.
(Woman walks out)