· Were you sitting around last night and just thinking to yourself, "I wonder if the Moog synthesizer was named after a dude or 'Moog' is just a made up word?" Probably not. Turns out, though, that it's option #1. Tonight, artists ranging from DJ Logic to one of them Brazilian Girls pay homage to Mr. Robert Moog and his lovely synthesizer at B.B. King's Moogfest 2005. [flavorpill]
· The first rule of a Chuck Palahniuk reading is that you must inform everyone of a Chuck Palahniuk reading. The second rule of a Chuck Palahniuk reading is that you must make that stupid fucking joke. In any event, the Fight Club scribe reads from his latest novel, Haunted, at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square tonight. [Upcoming]
· Berklee boy Edan (that's the Boston music school, not the Cali acid-trip) drops dope beats and sings pretty songs tonight at APT tonight. [Paper]