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Our Huffington Post bookmark has atrophied beyond repair over the last couple of weeks, but a reader with a higher tolerance than ours for Arianna Huffington's online cocktail party points out this Cruise-related HuffPo exclusive from last night:

The Huffington Post has learned that Paramount is considering pulling the plug on “Mission: Impossible III,” the Tom Cruise sequel that is set to start production later this year.

On the surface, things seem to be moving forward with the film, with production crews scouting locations in China, and the Hollywood trades filled with casting announcements and rumors (was Michelle Monaghan in, was Lindsay Lohan out, was new Cruise love interest Katie Holmes being considered?). But behind the scenes, the studio appears ready to cancel the mega-pricey film. *** Unfolding ***

Oh dear. If there's any truth to this, Cruise's recent, relentless PR carpet-bombing will have us immediately scrambling for the publicity-boosting angle. How about: "Paramount execs nearly cancel mega-blockbuster, but thanks to a combination of Scientology's vaunted study tech, a healthy diet of vitamins, and the star/producer's incredible, sincere love for new fiancée Katie Holmes, production continues without incident." And should the movie bite the dust, Cruise and Holmes will whip up some refreshing, face-saving lemonade by adopting sixteen unwanted Chinese babies for a heartwarming US Weekly cover story, "We Went To China To Scout For Mission: Impossible 3, But Found A Family Instead."