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Last night, Lindsay "The Incredible Shrinking Starlet" Lohan was involved in an accident that didn't involve a Spider Club patron spilling a vodkatini on her shoes and being grievously lacerated in retaliation by one of the actress's jutting ribs, when an overeager paparazzo smashed his vehicle into the Lohanmobile by the Beverly Center. The AP has a blurb about the tragedy this morning, but a Defamer operative checked in with a report moments after the incident unfolded last night (what, you thought we were going to blog after quittin' time without a fatality?):

Just got home to my apartment on 3rd & Sweetzer in the shadow of the Beverly Center to find 5 police cars and miles of police tape. With memories of a local liquor store owner's unsolved shooting death in December still fresh in my mind, my heart sank at the thought of another local merchant going down in a hail of gunfire. But I'm happy to report it's nothing more than another chapter in the always exciting life of Skeletor herself, Lindsay Lohan.

Apparently, with Daddy off the streets for awhile, Lindsay was oncerned about the boys in blue getting bored, so she got behind the wheel and back on the front pages when she and the ever present fleet of black SUVs filled with paparazzi decided that rush hour was the perfect time to snarl West Hollywood traffic. Since I didn't actually get to see the accident, details are sketchy, but according to the officer I spoke with, Skeletor's car was hit by the shutterbugs. No word on whether or not she was taken away in one or two pieces, however, when asked about her condition, the officer replied (in the understatement of the century) "Damn, she's skinny."

While the AP story claims that the overeager photographer ran into Lohan's vehicle, we wonder if she wasn't somewhat complicit in the fender bender. How attentive to your driving can you be when arguing with a talking car that's constantly nagging you to "put down the fucking Red Bull and eat a sandwich"?

[Photo: Getty Images]