Also, Tina Brown To Speak At Trump University Alumni Association

Hey, did you hear about the biggest residential real estate sale in the history of New York? Donald Trump sold three buildings for $1.8 billion. What have you done today?
8 more buildings! 4,500 more apartments! "Unclear whether any new buildings on the site will bear Mr. Trump's name in characteristic gold letters"! Wheee! Housing bubble!
What will Mr. Trump do with all the money, of which, according to my calculations, $1.7 billion is profit? Buy a new wife? Mark Cuban's head on a platter? Rebuild the Astor Place cube, only twice as big? 170,000,000 meatball cheeseburger pizzas? If you ask me, the honorable thing to do would be to buy Christian Slater's freedom. -AP
Trump Group Selling West Side Parcel for $1.8 Billion [NYT]
Trumpistan Partly Broken Up [Gothamist]