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Wherein we invite our readers to plunge their eager hands into the wet, blind item clay provided by humpy E! gossip community college ceramics instructor Ted Casablanca and fashion a crude vase revealing the item's secret celebrity identity. Feel the burn of One Poor-Me Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Melba Toasted may know how to get a primo paycheck, but the poor brat just can't seem to get a friggin' break, nonetheless. Boo-hoo. Ever since Melba's man, Devon Heaven, decided he wanted less wasted pastures (bedroom- and life-wise), Melba has simply been a wreck. I mean, what's a jilted princess to do? Start writing a column called "Dear Jennifer"? Doubt Melba's thought of anything so tacky—or common." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today. Your guesses are posted!