New Neighborhood To Create New Kind of Person To Hate

Those party animals at Curbed should have extended the deadline for their name-a-neighborhood contest just a little longer, cause Newsday just came up with their entry today:
Meanwhile, commercial spaces, such as those at 225 Fifth Ave., are being converted to apartments, and other nearby properties, such as 1-3 E. 35th St. just off the avenue, are set for residential development. Boosters for the area are even trying to add a new nickname to the city's lexicon: SoFi, for South Fifth.
Some of the rejected nickname possibilities included "Rickets," short for "Rug District," and "ItJuFuMFeChrakes," for "It's just fucking Midtown, fer chrissakes."
Should this irritating name catch on (and how can it not, if South Fifth is so hot right now!), we can take some small solace in the pleasantly alliterative phrase "SoFi Fuckers." I'm sure it'll come in handy. -AP
South Fifth moves on Up [Newsday]
Hoodwinked Update [Curbed]