This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

At the risk of becoming a pawn in the effort to induce a feeding frenzy for Microsoft's Halo project, we present this picture (it's hit our inbox more times than we care to count in the last 10 minutes) of the minions dispatched by the evil lifeforms at CAA to deliver the scripts to the studios. From the assistant tracking wires:

On Monday at 12pm, CAA is going directly into studios with one of the most anticipated scripts ever written. Microsoft financed and oversaw development of the script written by Alex Garland based on the most popular video game ever sold. They have asked each studio to read during lunch Monday and make their bid that afternoon.

If a script is delivered by a guy in space armor, it must be great! We'll open the bidding with a lowball offer of a bajillion dollars, but we fully expect to be outbid by The New Paramountâ„¢ or DreamWorks by the time the green buzz-soldier stops "dropping bolts" in our bathroom.

UPDATE: In a surprising development involving the coloration of said buzz-building army, we've heard that the CAA soldier visiting Fox is blue. We expect them to up their offer accordingly. An extra $6 million or so seems appropriate.

UPDATE 2: After the jump.

This image was lost some time after publication.

A reader notes the gigantic codpiece portion of the costume and helpfully labels the picture accordingly. Could there be an element of threat accompanying the soldiers' appearance, with CAA instructing their armored infantry to threaten all low-bidding executives with space-age sodomy? "Look, Brad, if you don't come in above Sony's offer, I press one button and Nargex-8 over there will fuck you up the ass. And not in the usual figurative, agent way. You see the unit he's packing."

UPDATE 3: At least one production company staffer is less than impressed, huge, armored packages nonwithstanding: "I can't wait for Q-bert to show up with a script."

UPDATE 4: The buzz: Q-bert's looking pretty good right now.