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Are we entering a new era of publicist lockdowns? Today's Page Six describes how Angelina Jolie's lawyer warns journalists that they can't discuss her personal life or use their interview "in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning or derogatory to Ms. Jolie," and now Lindsay Lohan, out junketeering for Herbie: Fully Loaded has a list of banned topics that turns interviews into meta-discussions of her life. From

For an 18-year-old, the number of off-limits categories is daunting. Reporters are warned that questions about her father or her recent weight-loss are verboten as are the various extracurriculars that have made her a tabloid favorite since before she could vote. Fortunately, Lohan is perfectly happy to talk about the reasons why she can't talk about so many things.

"I think there's become an obsession with the celebrity status right now, just buying the tabloids and feeding into it," she sighs. "It's hard, because people who don't necessarily know me on a personal level, they're going to believe whatever they read, which is understandable." [...]

"I'm a very honest person and I feel like I'm very sincere and I don't take anything for granted and I feel blessed and lucky and I'm appreciative and I'm thankful," she says. "And I'm not some crazy, Tara Reid-esque party girl. I want to be in this for the long run."

This all sounds terribly restrictive for an artist, but at least after she works through all of her flack-approved talking points (blessed, lucky, humble, good, et. al.) Lohan's allowed a minute for freeform personal expression, like throwing Tara Reid under the drunken-slut bus.