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Since we were highly disappointed to crawl out of bed and fail to find a new instance of Tom Cruise molesting Katie Holmes or tussling with a foreign reporter over Scientology, here's a morning round-up of Cruise-related tidbits:

· Mission: Impossible 3 is (finally) a go! Look for Cruise to exercise the kind of fine judgment he's shown in recent weeks and lure the now red-hot Brett Ratner from X3 to replace JJ Abrams. [NYT]
· Not content to publicly despoil their daughter anywhere there's a camera and strap her to an e-meter, Cruise takes Katie Holmes' parents to the Celebrity Centre. He further impresses the humble Midwesterners by personally—personally—getting five people off of drugs during the visit. [NY Post]
· Always the consummate entertainer, Cruise delights fans with his exuberant antics at the premiere of his new movie, Batman Begins. Pictured above: Cruise whips the adoring crowd into a frenzy by triumphantly simulating his costume's bat-ears with extended index fingers. [OHNOTHEYDIDNT]