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Wherein we invite our readers to marvel at the seemingly supernatural powers of humpy E! gossip prestidigitator Ted Casablanca and guess the identity of the sedated rabbit pulled out of his blind-item hat. This week's challenge falls right into Ted's wheelhouse, publicly hetero actors engaging in "semi-private poof-poundings," perhaps the finest phrase ever produced by the master. Ladle on a liberal amount of One Secret Suck-Face (and then Some) Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Trent Spent should stop by to the following friskiness (as he likes a roll in the homo hay, from time to time), but alas, word might get out that he's not actually as superhetero as the box-office-supporting public likes to think. Bummer." Because these private get-downs up in the Hollywood Hills are becoming the place to hitch a ride on the same-sex bus to bonk heaven! Translation: orgies. For men only. Got it, Gracie? Good. Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.