This image was lost some time after publication.

A reader checks in with this brief account of the action outside Tuesday's Mr. and Mrs. Smith premiere, where a certain famously shrinking actress got a bone-rattling fame-check at the hands of Brad Pitt:

Lindsay Lohan bombarded Brad Pitt at the Mr. and Mrs. Smith premiere in Westwood on Tuesday. Brad, practically setting a new world record for the largest amount of autographs for crying UCLA students, scribbled his initials on t-shirts as Lindsay ran up behind him and grabbed him. She attempted a "we're on the same star level" conversation, and his look of confusion lit a fire under his babysitter/publicist Cindy - forcing her to tell him who this blonde skeleton was. The puzzled look on his face as Lindsay babbled on to him was captured by entertainment news programs. Read Cindy's lips: "It's Lindsay Lohan."

In fairness to Lohan, Pitt probably would've recognized her 30 pounds and two cup sizes ago, before she traded in her once-trademark red hair for the invisibility of Clairol's B-List Blonde.

UPDATE: Saw this an instant after posting: looks like Lohan's bragging about it.

Also: Buy the event's rarefied air on eBay!

[Photo: Getty Images]