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Your guesses for this week's blind item game are real, and they're spectacular. Take another lap around One Secret Suck-Face (and then Some) Blind Vice before continuing on:

Ted sez: "Trent Spent should stop by to the following friskiness (as he likes a roll in the homo hay, from time to time), but alas, word might get out that he's not actually as superhetero as the box-office-supporting public likes to think. Bummer." Because these private get-downs up in the Hollywood Hills are becoming the place to hitch a ride on the same-sex bus to bonk heaven! Translation: orgies. For men only. Got it, Gracie? Good. Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: The wily Mr. Casablanca seems to have a better job at obscuring the blind item's identity than you usually give him credit for, as there was no consensus reached this week. But Tobey Maguire, the "superhetero" who probably can no longer don his Spidey tights without a heroic application of your preferred water-based lubricant, attracted the most "Trent Spent" guesses. He was mostly named alone, although he was occasionally paired with Leonardo DiCaprio as his theoretical "Pete Poked."

You say: Perhaps because Ted's superhero clue potentially indicted nearly every actor in town of a certain stature, there was no clear-cut second-place guess. You named various acrobatic pairings of the following actors: George Clooney. Brad Pitt, Vin Diesel, Christian Bale, Colin Farrell, The Actor Who Must Not Be Named, and Jake Gyllenhaal. We'd call it a clusterfuck, but we're really cottoning to this "poof-pounding" phrase that the great wordsmith gifted us.

And The Andy Dick "You Also Say" Memorial Item Goes To: Special Oldster Edition! Mel Brooks, Robert Evans, and John Ashcroft all share the prize. Honorable mention to Andy Dick (as always) and Brett Ratner.