Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Introducing StallionVision

Through the magic of our exclusive StallionVision™, we're able to provide you, the blog consumer, with a more robust multimedia experience of this PrivacyWatch sighting of Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson at Dodger Stadium:
Spotted the sexy Owen Wilson at Chavez Ravine tonight (5/8)- sitting right behind home plate of course. Once he was on the jumbotron and credited/captioned “The Wedding Crashers” was so easy to spot with the bare eye. Kept putting his finger in the air (a la “charge”) and seemed very aware that EVERYONE was looking at him. See attached shitty photo- Owen in gray. Hard to make out but my camera is kinda shitty. Or maybe I was drunk.
Note" The "regular" version of PrivacyWatch will run tomorrow, after the hangover subsides and it's easier to compile all of them without the troublesome, intermittent vomiting.