Letter From the Editors: A Double Pleasure Is Waiting for You

This was taken at approximately 7:30 this morning.
You know what I totally hate? Guest editors. Don't get me wrong — they were all lovely, charming souls, just demented enough to handle a week of this silliness. But it's time to settle down, think realistically, and start behaving like an adult.
To clarify: Gawker has not been a one-man ship since last December. Basically, we wanted to up the ante to 24 posts a day and, methed-up as I may be, no one person can really manage all that plus the additional, boring, business junk. So we brought Matt Haber on board for an imprecise period of time, just as a test run. We liked how things went and you kids got greedy, so we started looking for a permanent co-editor. Thus the past month or so I ve been rotating guests, trying on different fits, seeing who could put up with my unfettered jackassery and your unbridled love.
After a search that took us from the furthest reaches of Morningside Heights to the fiery pits of Chinatown, we're pleased to announce Jesse Oxfeld, formerly of Editor & Publisher (and, in a different life, mediabistro.com), as your new Gawker co-editor. Known for his love of fine scotches and gerbera daisies, Jesse will be working with me to keep your day appropriately petty and unproductive. Hand-in-hand, we're skipping towards hell — come along for the ride, won't you?