Blogorrhea: They Should Put the Two Sections Together, Real Estate and Obituaries
• The Rent Guidelines Board is holding hearings today and tomorrow on this year's proposed rent increases for stabilized apartments. Tenants, of course, will be there to protest the proposed hikes. Show up, tell a protester what you pay each month, watch him go into cardiac arrest, and then take over his lease. [Gothamist]
• Attention, Harper's: Canada is a big country, or at least so says one reader. [emdashes]
• Karen Finley: West Side Stadium rejection is payback to Bloomie for forcing the GOP convention on the city. Sounds fair to us. [HuffPost]
• Now The Corsair weighs in on the slapfest among Kurt Andersen, Radar, the lovely Phoebe Eaton, and — a little bit — us. If this gets any more incestuous, we'll be forced to move to West Virginia. [The Corsair]