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In a shocking development that is likely to rock Hollywood and immediately plunge the baked goods industry into a depression, Tom Cruise proves that not even coworkers are insulated from his efforts to prove his incredibly sincere love of Katie Holmes. A spy on the Paramount lot passes along the tale of an MI:3 meeting that took place yesterday:

During the meeting (i.e. not taking any time to step outside) he placed no fewer than 3 calls to Katie and after hanging up one time actually said, "That's my girl, she's great!" After the phone sex concluded Cruise then ordered an aide to coordinate the delivery of freshly baked cupcakes to Katie, who was at the time shopping at Barney's New York in the 90210. This. Must. Stop.

But what about the cupcakes? For the love of God in Heaven and all of his creatures big and small, did Katie get her cupcakes?!?

Oh, and we can all stop wondering about the legitimacy of the happy couple's relationship now, because Cruise told some Germans that their romance is real. Why didn't he just say so before?