We usually try to keep friends away from our pervy little brother — God only knows what he might pull from his nightstand and casually suggest might be interesting to "experiment" with. This particular romp, however, seems reasonably wholesome. We'll leave the seduction to him:

Ever wanted to experience the exciting, glamorously underpaid life of a semiprofessional porn blogger? Well, here's your chance: Fleshbot is looking for additions to our editorial team to help mind the shop over the summer (and beyond, if things work out). Our ideal applicant(s) will have both a dirty mind and a keen eye for the sexy side of pop culture; be able to date photographs of Jenna Jameson based on her hair color and breast size; and know the proper use of semicolons.

Heh. He said "semicolons."

Fleshbot Wants You [Fleshbot]