To Do: Helen, Spalding, David

· A Somewhat Smaller Night In Music Than Last Night, But Still Pretty Good: Helen Stellar at the Troubadour, Raveonettes at Spaceland. And if you care at all, last night's Wilco show was amazing. Just sayin'.
· A line-up of the late actor/monologist's celebrity friends (we don't know which ones, but we like surprises) will assemble at UCLA for "Leftover Stories to Tell: A Tribute to Spalding Gray." [It seems this event is a year from now. We're giving you plenty of advance notice. We're making the intern get in a time machine and hold seats for everybody.] How about a nice French movie about a gay dump-truck driver, courtesy of Flavorpill?
· A reader assures us that writer David Vann's reading from his memoir, A Mile Down: The True Story of a Man's Disastrous Career at Sea, at Dutton's Brentwood tonight, should not be overlooked. So we're not overlooking it.