Arianna and the Chocolate Factory: Inside the HuffPo Office

"And this is the room where we translate Harry Shearer's posts into standard English..."
An incredibly brave Gawker operative brings us documentation of The Huffington Post's exotic offices, where the walls are lined with feta and staffers lounge on marshmallow-soft chairs and chinchilla rugs. For perspective, the combined square footage of every Gawker Media "office" (read: editor's apartment) totals roughly 1/15 of the space pictured above.
We could whine and sniffle about how life is so not fair, but we're not total idiots. Did you ignore the rich kid in high school just because he was annoying? Hell no — you made friends with him until you had a standing invite to use his pool. Arianna, we're coming over for a swim reeeal soon.
After the jump, the HuffPo slaves crowd around the beaming visage of the lady herself.

Arianna surrounds herself with the kind of love only a Drachma can buy.