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There are rumors spreading around the War of the Worlds publicity tour (currently circling Europe and en route to Paris) that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have once again nuked the expectations of a still-skeptical public by getting engaged in Rome last night. The rumor holds that an announcement may come in Paris as early as tomorrow.

Given the way that every step of the couple's partnership has been botched by Cruise's publisister, Lee Anne Devette, we wouldn't be at all surprised if the announcement comes while a fist-pumping Cruise climbs to the top of the conspicuously phallic Eiffel Tower to shout down proclamations of his deep feelings to the assembled press like the King Kong of unconvincing love. But if the head-over-heels publicity partners don't want to exacerbate their already egregious image problems, they might want to take the festivities up the street, where Cruise can celebrate by running around the far more vaginal Arc de Triomphe.

Developing...and if anyone sees this rumor penetrating the media (or reported by another source—we haven't seen it yet), drop us a line.