Remainders: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Engaged?

· It could be nothing more than an ugly rumor, but word from the War of the Worlds European press tour is that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were engaged in Rome last night. If this is actually true, stock up on water and batteries, 'cause nuclear holocaust can't be far behind. [Defamer]
· New York is America's 2nd dirtiest city after Chicago? We should be ashamed of ourselves! Get out there and pee on the sidewalk now, you lazy clean freaks. [Gothamist]
· Online rock snob paradise Pitchfork isn't completely heartless. They've actually given out a whopping 30 perfect reviews. [Whatevs]
· Big Brother is watching you. In 368 places in the Meatpacking District and Chelsea alone, to be exact. [Curbed]
· Yahoo! bucks the system and launches its subscription search feed, thus giving information-addicted paupers of the world access to info on sites with fees, such as the Wall Street Journal. And just like that, the Times Select feature loses its erection. [Yahoo]
· We're hearing about this new blog, which might just belong to a Star employee, which would be a nice compliment to this Star employee's blog. Is Bonnie not keeping you guys busy or something?