Rosie O'Donnell Takes on Cable News

Because, like us, you probably have the attention span of an amphetamine-addled gnat, we just wanted to remind you that bus-riding actress Rosie O'Donnell is still blogging, and she's ready to take her james-joyce-as-e.e.-cummings prose to the always pressing issue of CNN sorta-anchor Aaron Brown:
what happened to newsnight
with aaron brown
no more whip ?
i loved the whip
around the WORLD
seems like aaron
has been hi jacked
now he throws to some
pretty blonde thing
who reads the
news in a studio
down the hall
she throws back
to him
Oh, Rosie, you can pretend to be saddened, but we know you're just jealous — why can't it ever be you that's "hi jacked" by "some pretty blonde thing?"