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By lunchtime on the West Coast, it's unlikely that there will be a single human being who hasn't seen the video of Tom Cruise getting blasted in the face with water from a prankster's microphone at the London premiere of War of the Worlds. The four menaces responsible were immediately chastised by Cruise, who called their "joke" "incredibly rude" and the trigger man a "jerk," then arrested on suspicion of assault (and later released on bail, pending possible charges by the victim). The always magnanimous Cruise probably won't press on with criminal charges (after all, he's done "enough publicity" for WOTW already); instead, he'll likely demand that the misguided quartet accompany him to the Celebrity Centre, where they will sit in an auditing room with the star until he can re-clear the repressed memories that cruelly flooded from the tip of their trick microphone.