· For a mere five dollars, you can celebrate the final season of Six Feet Under by attending a listening party for the show's soundtrack CD, Everything Ends, at the Knitting Factory. Or for the price of a cheap bottle of whiskey, you can do what we're doing instead—taking a shot of booze every time we see a sign that Jeremy Sisto's character is about to relapse into batshit, tattoo-carving insanity.
· Here's a fun game: see if you can untangle the party info from the list of sponsors: "Spin Magazine presents The Century Plaza LAFF Premiere Party at The Viper Room with free Absolut cocktails." If you've figured it out, say the password "chilidog" for entry.
· Michael Cunningham, author of the novels The Hours and A Home at the End of the World (the movie version of which famously starred Colin Farrell's penis), reads from his new book, Specimen Days at ALOUD at the Central Library’s Taper Auditorium.