Short Ends: Leonardo DiCaprio Hit In Face With Blunt Object, World Holds Its Breath

· Leonardo DiCaprio was attacked with a bottle at Rick "One Night in Paris" Salomon's place, but thanks his lucky stars that something truly horrible didn't happen to him, like getting blasted in the face with a highly suggestive stream of liquid by British pranksters. Shit, stitches ain't nothing, Leo.
· Or if the video of said face-blasting was set to comical background music, that's probably not an optimal situation, either.
· Fugmander-in-Chief Jessica has a real-life run-in with an object of her fashion scorn. There are fireworks.
· "There are too many fawning entertainment shows out there and not one of them is making fun of it all." And thus is born The Showbiz Show with David Spade on Comedy Central. Now if only we could adapt this idea of mocking Hollywood for the internet, we might really have something...