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Boi From Troy relates the sad tale of how Lindsay Lohan's rack of yore [Ed.note—Sigh...yes, we remember it well.] may have sabotaged Tower Records' plans to, ahem, erect a JumboTron-like billboard on Sunset:

Tower applied to erect a LED creative sign with moving images". There are strict regulations for Tall-Walls (like the one being proposed next door to Tower) and for Jumbo Trons—which require traffic studies, etc. But the rules appear to be more loose with creative signs.

Once the sign was erected in December, neighbors learned that the most creative aspect of the sign may have been the nomenclature used by Tower's attorneys. The LED with Moving Images was basically what common folk would describe as a really big TV. Neighboring businesses got upset. One manager from across the street declared that the sign was a nuisance because images of Lindsay Lohan (he probably meant her breasts, circa 2004) distracted his employees.

Shortly thereafter, the City revoked the permit for the sign on the grounds that it caused a public nuisance.

Perhaps WeHo officials couldn't subject the public to the risk that the billboard could potentially display images of Lohan so incredibly lifelike that they would disorient the paparazzi who stalk the Strip, causing them to reflexively crash their vehicles into what they mistook for the troubled starlet. You know, or maybe the gays are just so totally over her skinny ass.