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The drifter who was accused of stalking Mel Gibson was sentenced to three years of hard time, leaving the action star and his family free to pray in peace:

During the trial, Gibson told jurors that he had feared for the safety of his wife and children after Sinclair approached him in a chapel while Gibson was worshipping in September 2004.

Gibson said he got up at one point during the service, but when he returned Sinclair was in his seat.

Gibson testified that Sinclair moved within a few inches of his face and told the star, "Hi, I'm here to pray with you."

If you're concerned that the drifter was actually Jesus playing one of those New Testament pranks where He dresses up in cheap clothes and approaches members of His flock to test their faith, worry not—Gibson already had his agent get JC on the phone before they sent the stalker to jail, and He assured Gibson's people that He wasn't up to His old tricks in this case, but "that would've been a good one."