Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Kirsten Dunst 'Rashomon'

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com (putting “privacywatch” or “sighting” in the subject line helps immensely) and let the world know that Scarlett and Josh were totally making out.
In this episode, readers prove that every Kirsten Dunst sighting can change in the retelling: Kirsten Dunst, Dave Foley at Rilo Kiley; Kirsten Dunst, Dave Foley, Sarah Silverman, and Jimmy Kimmel at Rilo Kiley; Kirsten Dunst at Rilo Kiley; Kirsten Dunst at Rilo Kiley; Kirsten Dunst at The Grove; Jim Carrey; Christian Bale and Simon Rex; Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson; Keith Richards; Hilary Swank and Paula Abdul; Nic Cage; Jake Gyllenhall, Tommy Hilfiger, and Nicky Hilton; Salma Hayek, Jay Mohr, and Betty White; Drew Barrymore x2; Joaquin Phoenix; Joaquin Phoenix, Lauren Ambrose, and Michael C. Hall; Seth Green, Connie Selleca, and Amber Benson; Jay Leno; Giovanni Ribisi x2; Adam Goldberg, Danny Bonaduce, and Anthony Kiedies; Jon Brion; Nicole Richie; Rob Schneider; Chris Kattan; Kevin Dillon; Anthony Kiedis; Pauly Shore; Pink and David Naughton; Lori Laughlin; Eric Benet and Jason Alexander x2; Joey Slotnick x2 and Curtis Armstrong; Pamela Reed.
· went to the rilo kiley show last night at the wiltern where apparently every random celeb had gathered as well. stood next to jumping-up-and-down kirsten dunst who was there with her sister. the two slipped quietly into the crowd and rocked out HARDCORE to rilo's set. surprisingly she was actually looking nice and even sported a blazer as opposed to her usual hobo-chic. she went seemingly unnoticed until a random cobrasnake-looking scenster pulled a "aren't you so and so?" and took off after humoring the douche with a few questions. for an encore they brought out the one and only miss debbie gibson for a rilo rendition of "Lost in Your Eyes." Debbie even said "this is random for me too." to say the least! also so dave foley (wtf?) there with his kids. there's a rumor that him and jenny lewis once had a thing many years ago (of which there is even a song), which...i always THOUGHT was a rumor, but now it's hard to say!
· Sunday night at the Rilo Kiley show at the Wiltern, poorly dressed Kirsten Dunst and her big fat head appeared right in front of me and proceeded to block my fucking view while she was fondling her lady friend. Then she had the nerve to give one half of the fabulous Fug Ladies a dirty look after said Fug Lady made a sarcastic comment in response to something one of the booooring opening acts lamely said. DON’T YOU DARE GIVE A FUG GIRL A DIRTY LOOK, DR. SUNKEN TITS. I WILL CUT YOU! Later on I encountered a not as wee as expected Dave Foley at the bar, and I nearly mowed down Sarah Silverman in the ladies room because I was so disconcerted at having seen Jimmy Kimmel waiting sullenly outside the door. She was super sweet about it though, and I might have a bit of a girl crush on her now. I wanted to tell her “You could do so much better than Kimmel!”, but I guess, you know, whatever makes her happy. [Ed.note—This entry was not authored by one of the Fug gals.]
· Saw Kirsten Dunst and her equally blond friend rockin' out at the Rilo Kiley show on Sunday night. She's cute in person, and managed to be very discreet and sneak toward the back just before the encore. It was nice to see a celebrity hanging out in the middle of the crowd instead of right up front or backstage with fancy schmancy credentials.
· was at the rilo kiley show at the wiltern on sunday night (6/19/05), waiting in line to get, when i see kirsten dunst and her friend cruise by, heading to the back of the line. kirsten looked pretty sketchy. but here's the weird thing, she showed up early, like early enough to watch the opening band early. no word if jake was there.
· I went to see SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (I know, I know, but hey, I'm a chick, shoot me) at the Grove and guess who I sat right next to?? Kirsten Dunst! I could barely watch the movie! She is petite (aren't all actresses?) and very blonde and totally adorable! She was with an equally blonde girlfriend (sister???). They giggled throughout the film (at all the corny parts), just like the rest of us! And then when the friend/sister started to cry in act 3 (spoiler: TRAVELING PANTS is a shameless weepy), Kirsten hugged her for moral support. Awww! When we left, I noticed her jean-clad thigh was about the same size as my upper arm. Depressing. Although, hmmmm. Think those jeans are magical...traveling magical? Like if she lent them to me, I too could have carnal relations with Jake Gyllenhaal?
· I saw Kirsten Dunst on Thursday night (6/16) at the entrance to the Grove parking garage. I might not have recognized her had she not been mobbed by tourist-y college girls who were practically drooling as they approached her, but once she talked there was no mistaking that chirpy voice. She was very sweet, but quickly stubbed out her cigarette and fled upstairs. I saw her walking to her car (surprisingly not valeted) as I was driving out. She was wearing a
black jacket and jeans and looked much cuter than the time I saw her, walking down Melrose last year with some equally pale girlfriends, all clad in floaty white dresses.
· Strolling down San Vicente in Brentwood yesterday (Sunday) I was staring at a guy in his early 40's that had his arm on a girl who was more than half his age. I kept thinking 'I hope these two aren't together'. As i finally got closer I realized it was Jim Carrey with his teenage daughter. phew. He is a lot taller than i expected.
· 8:45am on the Monday morning after America is aflutter about his performance in Batman, I spotted an unassuming Christian Bale at Starbucks on Montana Ave. He looked rather scruffy and casual in corduroys and a T-shirt. Nowhere near as ripped as he was in the movie, and far shorter than I thought. I'm pretty sure not many people recognized him (although I saw one other girl freaking out on the phone like I was). But he waited patiently by the door eyeing the front page of the NY Times amidst the morning coffee rush.
Also, in a far less high profile sightings, my friend saw Simon Rex almost get into a fist fight Thurs night at Katana.
· Hey—-I don't know if they're public or not, but today at lunch Josh Hartnett and Scarlett Johansson were absolutely canoodling like any adorable young couple in the early stages of love. They were dining late (3pm) at Cheebo, organic/healthy place on Sunset Boulevard, joined by Scarlett's very attractive (brunette) sister. All behaved quite charmingly, using the provided crayons to doodle on the paper tablecloths, and Harnett only took one call on his cellphone during the meal. Both stars were wearing hats; the sister was not. But there was finger-kissing, lip-kissing, and "I'll-adjust-your-hat-ing" going on throughout the meal.
· Wednesday night at Musso & Frank's: Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards and his plasticky wife. Keith was wearing a bandanna, black t-shirt and long black leather jacket; he looked disappointingly like all pictures of him. No larger-than-life aura; he was just some craggy guy wearing a bandanna to dinner.
· Wed. night at the Chateau Marmont, Paula Abdul joined a table with two men (one was totally agent-y but in a music biz way) and a younger woman who looked vaguely familiar, but I could just be making that up. Pauls was TIN-Y, very well put together (not sure why she always ends up on worst dressed lists) and I believe she was having tea. You go girl! While we were leaving, we saw Hilary Swank checking in! I have never had much opinion about Ms. Swank one way or the other before, but in person she is gorgeous! Petite, skinny (but not too skinny, healthy skinny), and she seemed totally down to earth and friendly. She was actually very warm to the doorman/valet when they greeted her, asking about their families (!) and the like. She has an Oscar...AND class! (Where does Hilary usually live, NYC?)
· On my way home today I was on Cynthia in West Hollywood watching out for the cops camping out everyday at the stop signs. I heard a loud noise coming toward me and looked up to see a bright red penis car headed my way (I think it was a Lamborghini). I looked over as it passed and saw Nic Cage, looking tiny in the low-riding car. Seemed lost. Couldn’t see back far enough to tell if he got a ticket, as I do not make 7 figures a movie and my rearview mirror has fallen off.
· 06/13 Jake Gyllenhaal at Sushi Nozawa at lunch - head is rather out of proportion
06/17 1:30 Tommy Hilfiger walking down Rodeo with a chubby teenage boy and tall bodyguard, wearing a peach colored polo shirt that was the exact shade of his mottled skin-they bypassed Prada but went into Gucci; maybe they were going past the failed Tommy "flagship" that's now a Brooks Brothers
06/17 Nicky Hilton at La Scala on Canon with her aunt Kim Richards ("Escape from Witch Mountain" - but looking weathered/leathered and as old as the hills) - only notable because Miss Hilton's perfume was so strong as to smell up the whole restaurant
· Hollywood: The Hungry Cat (behind Schwab's), saw last Tuesday night the 14th, Salma Hayek with friend and Hollywood-area Councilman Eric Garcetti.
Zoo, Saturday night the 18th: Jay Mohr and Betty White (does she still count?) at the annual Beastly Ball.
· Saw Drew Barrymore at Fiesta Cantina with a gaggle of gays. She was looking very
cute and spent half the time making out with her Italian rocker boyfriend Fabrizio Moretti.
· 06/15: Had dinner last night @ Geisha House - Drew Barrymore looked to be having girlfriend time with 2 other chicks
· Man, I may be just a dried up stay-at-home mom on the fast track to middle age, but I still get a thrill from a fine piece of actor meat. This morning I drove next to Joaquin Phoenix on Highland. He was in a yellow pontiac muscle car, sported aviator sunglasses and a lot of writing on his left arm. By writing, I mean pen & ink, not tattoo. (I think when Janeane Garofalo used to do that she called it her "week at a glance.") I'm pretty sure he wasn't drunk.
· Last Friday, while scarfing down some pre-Dodger game grub at Amir's Falafel in Studio City on Colfax and
Ventura Blvd. (next to the CBS lot) I noticed a dorky looking white guy at the counter waiting for an order. He was wearing a white t-shirt and flannel boxers were sticking out of a pair of jeans like a wanna-be gang-banger. When I caught a glimpse of his face, I realized it was Joaquin Phoenix. He looked rather out of it and mildly annoyed, but if you've ever had to wait for your food at Amir's, you really can't blame him. Still, I'm surprised he would be dressed like a 13-year oldsuburbanite wigger. It was quite an image. On Tuesday night, I noticed both Lauren Ambrose and Michael C. Hall of Six Feet Under fame standing behind me during the opening act at the Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks show at the El Rey. She looks really good, although I wonder if all that weight loss is an eating disorder or drug thing. He also looked rather dashing, but maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing him as a gloomy gay funeral director on TV.
· I had a couple of B list sightings this weekend (and B might be generous). Sat night at daddy's ( which I had a hard time convincing a gay friend was actually a straight bar despite the name) saw seth green. he's a small, small man. he makes tom cruise look like wilt chamberlain. you just want to pick him up and put him in your pocket. on sun saw connie selleca of greatest american hero fame in malibu at the beach. I didn't recognize her - I just overheard her loudly chastising a guy for not calling his dad for father's day and when he picked up his phone to call him, he screamed "tell him connie selleca told you to call!" um, ok. and then last night had another buffy-related sighting - amber benson, who eventually replaced seth green as willow's love interest. it looked like she, too, got sold out of batman. I feel for her.
· Saw Jay Leno (yesterday) in his new 2005 Ford GT (red sportscar, white stripes), getting gas at 76 on Coldwater and Ventura, then getting on the 101, heading on to the 134 split. He was in trademark blue denim shirt — and driving the hell out of that car. As always my husband is credited because he noticed the car first, then the driver.
· Indie cuddle-puppy Giovanni Ribisi getting his eastside on at the Raveonettes show (Spaceland 6/15) Stopped to have his pic taken with a fan afterward. Sweet.
· Giovanni Ribisi, eating lunch on the patio of La Poubelle just now (6/17). Was sharing a table for two with a rocker haired brunette who was definitely not his fellow sci-tol wife.
· Saw Adam Goldberg last Saturday (oops, two Saturdays ago...the 11th) coming out of Guitar Center on Sunset Blvd. Tall, lanky, seemed totally normal. Saw Danny Bonaduce last Thursday (6.16) at the Target on La Brea. Oh, and Anthony Kiedis, driving in a car on Santa Monica, near La Cienga. He NEEDS a new 'do.
· Sunday morning (well, 1-2pm) while doing laundry, walked over to Cafe Tropical on Sunset/Parkman to get some food. Spotted Jon Brion hanging out waiting for a pie or something. Pretty normal and polite seeming except for the WOOL SUIT he was wearing the day before the day before the first day of summer sitting like six feet from the ovens in a non-A/C building. Walked home in the sun no less. I was sweating just looking at him.
· On 6/14, I was meeting up with a friend at Marc Jacobs on Melrose and noticed that they were setting up for a photo shoot outside. The buttinsky in me had to see what was going on so I made my way to the photo shoot. Walking toward the shoot, I made eye contact with the woman being photographed and almost screamed (in sheer excitement) as I realized I was making eye contact with Nicole Richie. She looked great and not as ana as the media makes her out to be.
· OK, this is C list (or is it C+), but I saw Rob Schneider at the Buca de Beppo in Pasadena Monday night. Why was I there? To listen to the waiter rally the whole place during the birthday shout outs. Why was he there? No idea, although he was with two preteens (daughter & daughter's friend?) and two buddy looking dudes. The waiter pretty much left our table in the dust for the Rob table, and pretty soon the chef was all giving him appetizers. Damn, doesn't take much to get some love when you're a celeb.
· Saw Chris Kattan just now(6/19), at the Cost Plus World Market, the Grove, clutching a blonde girlfriend (whaaaa????) and purchasing candy and a miriad of toys including a 2 foot toy shark and a mechanical clay on a stick. What kinky stuff will be going on with that stuff is beyond me.
·While pounding some Guinness at the Irish Times who should I happen to see nuzzled up to the bar but Johnny Drama himself Mr. Kevin “it is so cool that people know I am not Matt” Dillon. I tried to get a look at his calves with no luck
· I was in Los Angeles on Saturday for Nick Hornby's book reading/signing at Book Soup. After the reading, I walked across the street to the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and saw Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers! We talked for a little bit and when he found out I lived in Phoenix, he got out his blackberry and asked me to call his sister and tell her he said hello and that he was thinking about her. Couldn't tell if he was fucking with me or not. But overall, a nice guy, and his hair is even longer now than it was in 1992.
· Pauly Shore was all over the Beverly Center this weekend. First, I saw him posing for pictures with fans (who knew?!) in Z Gallerie, as everyone else delicately averted their eyes. Then, a friend and I were walking past the Aldo store when one of his friend came out and said to him, "dude, it's too hot in there," and Pauly responded, only, "duuuude." My friend turned to me and mocked him, and when I informed her that she was mocking Pauly Shore, her response was, "seriously? I thought it was just some lame guy." And, really, on some level, wasn't she right?
· Saw Pink at the Mullholland dog park yelling at her three dogs in her distinctly raspy voice. Almost hit her with a tennis ball as I was trying to get my dog's throw-toy down from a tree. On the way home, stopped at Ralph's on Van Nuys and saw the American Werewolf in London, David Naughton.
· I saw Lori Loughlin when I was at lunch in Brentwood today (6/15) at 26th and San Vicente. She looked older - still good - but VERY blonde. I guess the blonde hair is for Summerland? Please though, this is nowhere near
PrivacyWatch standards so don't feel you have to humour me. I'll be back in touch when Farrah and I cross paths.
· had a double sighting of celeb ex's at nacional tuesday night (6/14). first we saw halle's former flame eric benet followed by Britney's first husband Jason Alexander. Jason was macking on a britney look alike. hope it wasn't another trannie. . .
· Mr. Britney #1, Jason Alexander, knocked into me at full speed on his way into Concorde on Tuesday night. He didn't even slow down or apologize (and he's so huge, he could have taken my shoulder off). He's super creepy and has a really teeny head.
· 6/5, Saw Joey Slotnick, on what seemed to be an early-in-the-relationship date at the Golden Gopher. No crazed, drug-inhaling look in his eyes, but the white suit could have been a bad Nip/Tuck leftover.
· Saturday had some drinks on the roof of the Standard downtown, a locale I had been avoiding, but it turned out to be quite nice. On the way out, saw the best friend on The Single Guy, Joey Slotnick, having drinks with a woman at the downstairs bar. Looks exactly the same in person.
Sunday having breakfast at Dusty's on Sunset in Silver Lake, my friends spotted Curtis Armstrong of Booger fame dining inside. I didn't catch a glimpse, but driving by a half-hour later, he was getting in his car with what appeared to be his girlfriend or wife. He looked pretty much the same but with a regular-guy short haircut. Totally awesome.
· Okay, I'm probably the only person who would get excited by this, but character actress Pamela Reed (Tanner, Kindergarten Cop) was on my Southwest flight from Oakland to Burbank yesterday (6/20). I love her! She is in SF doing The Goat at ACT. I should have sat next to her instead of the self-important lawyer
who rambled in my ear for an hour.