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Given that many of you may have fainted dead away from the apparent obviousness of this blind item, let's end this charade and get to your guesses. But first, as always, the refresher course in One Randy-Candy Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Did somebody mention food? What's that? Something one puts in one's mouth? Yech! Poo! Feh! Morgan Mayhem sure thinks so. I mean, really. If it's not some body part attached to some sorry-ass man she's currently taking hostage, M2 really has no interest in placing much else in her increasingly bizarrely painted mouth." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: You are all very, very cross with Mr. Casablanca for not providing the usual mental workout to which you've become accustomed. You question his sanity, disparage his skills, and in some cases, suggest he partake in acts so unspeakable that we blanche at the mere recollection (let us know how the Greased Lawnmower works, we're intrigued). The man spoils you week after week, giving of his gossip love freely, and this is how you thank him? For shame!

(Oh, btw, you think it's Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie. Whatever. Yes, Richie's in the "And It Ain't" Section, a misdirect that scores of e-mailers dismissed by explaining that she "ain't" Morgan Mayhem, she's the other one.)

You say: Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie. We're starting to tease out a pattern...

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: All the real action was on the Andy Dick Memorial front, with Wendy Deng and Rupert Murdoch, Joan and Melissa Rivers, Tammy Faye Bakker (solo), and Dame Judi Dench and Maggie Smith all vying for top honors. Better luck next week gang, as one reader instead decided to offer an alternate blind item and capture the Dick title:

"What actor-cum-U.S. President invented Reaganomics while in the White House?"

Thanks to everyone for playing!