To Do: Your Mom, Lost Childhood, Wine

· With a name like Say Hi To Your Mom (at the Echo), you win an automatic To Do list music round-up mention. Also: Youth Group play Spaceland tonight; when they're at the Henry Fonda three months from now, you can turn your nose up at your slow-adopting friends who are paying fifteen bucks to park in Hollywood.
· Jennifer Saginor signs Playground: A Childhood Lost and Found Inside the Playboy Mansion at Book Soup. Ask her about the time she saw Jimmy Caan beat up a monkey while simultaneously engaged in a Grotto orgy with Misses July through November 1975—it's a great anecdote.
· Indulge your inner hipster wino (we suspect he/she's lurking pretty close to the surface) at Silver Lake Wine's Thursday Night Flights. We think wine is involved, and you need some way to take the edge off while you wait for the next episode of Dancing with the Stars.