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· Sayeth the Lohan: "I don't get involved in any drama." Of course, this I'm-above-it-all stance only applies to the displacement of bushmen by De Beers diamond miners, not something as monumentally important as the placement of one of her songs in her new movie or the guest list at a party at the Standard.
· "9:05 a.m. Relish life free from negative trappings of the reactive mind, God-like status of perfect mental, emotional, and physical health, and general infallibility. 9:29 a.m. Toast bagel."
· Please feel free to return to your regular, uninterrupted sleep patterns: Hermes has apologized to Oprah.
· A photography icon refuses to give an approving hand-job to the photography book Ben Stiller edited, nearly throwing the Earth off its celebrity ass-kissing axis. [via LA Observed]