• "Rize," the documentary on LA street-dancing (yes, you read about it just last week in the New York Times magazine!) from fashion photographer David LaChapelle, opens today. [flavorpill]
• Sometimes we really have to get the synapses firing on all cylinders to come up with materiel. Sometimes the jokes write themselves. Alan Cumming appearing at Sephora in Union Square to sign bottles of "Cumming," his new fragrance, is clearly an example of the latter. [WUNYC]
• Yes, Fathers Day came and went, but you probably forgot and didn't get your old man anything. Make up for it with a homemade gift (dads love that shit) from the first annual Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn. [Renegade]
• The New Pornographers, Stars, and the Sadies celebrate Mounties, shitty weather, and a massive national inferiority complex at the Prospect Park Canada Day celebration. [flavorpill]
• 250,000 rambunctious gays wind their way down 5th Avenue for the 36th Annual Gay PRIDE March. Like you dare to miss it.