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Have you made plans for July 20 yet? If you were considering participating in the Central Park Run to Save CBGBs (sponsored by Nike, oddly enough), you might want to save your energy for something more effective:

How about if somebody runs over to Hilly Krystal and bats him over the head for wasting his money on stupid get-rich-quick schemes like the CBGB Pizzeria and the CBGB Record Store (remember those?) instead of buying that building when he had a chance to get it for peanuts 20 years ago?

The ad in the Village Voice doesn't say what the money raised by the race will go towards... CB's escalated rent? Bribes to the landlord? Hilly's 401K? Nobody thinks NYC still needs CBGB (even in its current sad state, with bookings so bad they're beyond redemption) as much as I do. But this is a problem between a short-sighted, greedy old man and a short-sighted, greedy landlord. Running around Central Park isn't going to fix anything.

True, but we'd still like to see a few limpy old punks don some New Balances and wheeze their way through the caloric burn. It's for a good cause, after all, and lord knows they could use the cardio.

News From the Front [Jersey Beat via Mr. Snitch]