Short Ends: The Return Of Vincent Gallo's 'Stunt Double'

· All that is required for the triumph of War of the World screening evil is that good men be silent. Or that unpopular women in funny hats make a ruckus.
· Everything you ever wanted to know about Vincent Gallo's (alleged) Stunt Cock, but were afraid to ask. Now you know why fear is often a good thing.
· Here's some video (see the "fan videos" at the right of the page) of Chris Tucker's recent arrest for driving 120 mph in a zone with state troopers who begrudgingly admire his acting skills.
· Tom Cruise Vs. The Nazi Menace!
· For some reason, we just can't make ourselves believe that Angelina Jolie is pregnant, especially when there are so many adorable Cambodian babies needing homes.
· Blogging superstar/Trekugee Wil Wheaton gets deeply probed by the geeks of Slashdot.