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Wherein we invite our readers to submit themselves to the possibly unsafe implements of humpy E! gossip manicurist Ted Casablanca's online salon and guess the identity of his weekly blind item. This week: Closeted gays at altitude and still! more! coketastic young actresses. Take the Nestea plunge into One High-Flying Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Let's see, you want the one about the famous executive-star, Pert Member, who offers up his private jet to closeted homo stars, so they can take their boyfriends out for superprivate humping 37,000 feet up? Well, I've never been asked on board (even though my abs are in pretty damn good shape these days...I just don't get it), so let's stick with something I know of fer sure:
Pixie Mixie is at it again. But since her partner in crime, Morgan Mayhem, is ever more shocked by the quantity of nose-goodies Pix puts up her ever-disappearing nostrils, Ms. Mix is on to her latest victim, Ham Drum." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.