A Woman's Right to Choose Her Bathroom

In the afterglow of our national celebration, one is often prompted to look at the current state of affairs and, much like our nation's forefathers, fight for change. Nowhere is this more evident than when dealing with the pressing issue of public restrooms and the egregious line a lady must deal with just to drain herself. Some women, be them sassy or smart, have taken to abandoning the ladies' room altogether in favor of the much quicker men's room. But when a woman dares to prevent men from entering their designated potty, we are faced with a threat to our freedom:
...[T]his could have developed into a serious problem for the restroom social order that governs Whole Foods. What if there was a long line at the men's room? Would it be justifiable for a man to commandeer the women's rest room? I think not. Also should a man have to urinate in fear? I think not.
Obviously the bigger issue is that the geniuses that designed the layout for the Union Square Whole Foods did not take in consideration the massive influx of female users of their rest facilities... A women's urinary rights are just as precious as their reproductive right and they should be treated with a great deal of respect. They are also a highly prized demographic of any retail business so it is in your best interest to make things as convenient for them as possible.
And you thought abortion was the hot issue.