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Ewan McGregor rocks the world by revealing to Playboy that even actors from the very dignified, dry British Isles might like a side of sauce with their Method:

"None of my directors ever said, 'You know, I'd rather you didn't drink at work.' None of them. And they must have known.

"I was reeking of (alcohol). Originally I was a happy drunk. But later I was miserable because it's a depressant."

Firstly, we must dispute the actor's misinformed, glib claim that alcohol is a depressant. We've studied the history of alcohol, and we've found that it makes us very, very happy. Secondly, no one begrudges McGregor a couple of nips from the flask before stepping onto George Lucas' set; we're pretty sure there's no way to properly execute the line, "We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner," without having a pretty good buzz on.