To Do: Frey, Rock, 70s

· Writer James Frey, whose scripting of the David Schwimmer vehicle Kissing a Fool began a downward spiral of catastrophic drug addiction—and eventual literary redemption with the bestselling recovery memoir A Million Little Pieces, reads from his new book, My Friend Leonard, at Vroman's. (OK, we don't know for sure about Kissing a Fool being the catalyst for his drug use, but every story needs a hooky inciting incident, doesn't it?)
· The first-ever rock-n-roll feature, Rock Around the Clock, hits a double bill with Don't Knock the Rock, the first-ever rock-n-roll sequel, at the Egyptian for the opening of the Mods & Rockers film festival. Expect more pompadours than you can shake a pair of cuffed jeans at.
· Normally, we feel guilty about recommending an activity that keeps you on the couch, but tonight is the premiere of MTV's The 70s House, in which "modern" kids are deprived of their PlayStations, Adderall, and cellphones in an attempt to simulate the technology-free horror that was life in the 70s. Fortunately, 70s houses still had liquor cabinets, so maybe these kids will be able to replicate some Real World-style drinking binges and get an anachronistic rainbow party going.