• IGNITE!, Gen Art's annual multimedia extravaganza at the Puck Building Ballroom, features 12 artists, 30 short films, live burlesque, a fortune teller, a snake charmer, and an open bar. Because nothing goes together like excessive alcohol consumption and excessively poisonous snakes. [flavorpill]
• In keeping with the Hollywood trend of fucking up a good thing, the powers that be at NBC prematurely cancelled the totally awesome Freaks and Geeks. In bucking the Hollywood trend of fucking up a good thing, the powers that be at Fox actually decided to give the totally awesome Arrested Development another go. Paul Feig, the man integral to both shows (creater of the first, director of the second), reads from his new book, Superstud: Or How I Became a 24-Year-Old Virgin, at the E.17 St. Barnes and Noble tonight. Don't act like you can't relate to the title.
• The Wrens frontman Charles Bissell puts on a solo show at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg. Expect pretty little Jersey-inspired pop ballads anyhow. [Upcoming]