Blogorrhea NYC: Because There's Something About Amelia

• More incestuous ... West Virginia, Part 3: Estranged stepfather Daily Transom is obsessed with last night's debacular Fantastic Four premiere on Liberty Island, and so he consults with our cousin on the Coast, Defamer. [NYO]
• The dastardly Times rips off another blogger! You know, except with, like, reporting and stuff. [GalleyCat]
• Hoboken is great!!!!, says, natch, some deluded individual who is forced to live there. [This Is What We Do Now via Curbed]
• When we hear about pussies on public-access cable, we usually think of something else. But, in this case, it's actually a reality show about housecats in Brooklyn. Frighteningly, we know people who will love this. [Verbose Coma]