The Inconvenience of Pre-Date Doo-Doo

It's Friday and, as we're sure you know, Friday means Lowest Common Denominator Day 'round these parts. Unfortunately, we don't have a Britney Spears picture for you, but we do have the next best thing — poopy talk! From Overheard in New York:
Girl #1: Oh my god, I really need to shit so bad, there's no way I can meet him like this!
Girl #2: Go in there, I'm sure they'll let you, you know...
Girl #1: They have cockroaches in there; I'd never put my ass down where there are cockroaches.
Girl #2: But you'd put your ass down where there's cock.
Girl #1: Maybe...but not with so much junk up there right now.
—7th & A