• Express your love or hate of Pitchfork (applause if the former; stoic, Pitchfork-style gazes of condescending disapproval if the latter) at Mercury Lounge tonight, where former staff writer Matt Lemay plays a show with his Get Him Eat Him; Oxford Collapse and the Constantines to cover his ass if he blows. [flavorpill]
• Call the quadriplegic rugby players from Sundance hit Murderball "special" and they'll beat the piss out of you. We can't even do the shit they do with four fully-functioning limbs, so show some respect and see the flick. [Fandango]
• A Gathering of Tribes, much to our chagrin, isn't some Jewish aggregate hell-bent on world domination — it's some artsy-pants non-profit organization. Check out Rummage, their art yard sale, on 285 E. 3rd Street today. [Tribes]
• Shake your ass to the Brazilian sights and sounds of Busquelo Productions, which throws its annual Tropic of Cancer party at Supreme Trading in Brooklyn. This year's event is thrown in conjunction with the Small Planet Fund, which supports grassroots movements dedicated to fighting world poverty and social injustice. Just like Live 8, but without all the bad music! [flavorpill]
• There's one cure for your hangover, and it's more booze before you head to the Hudson River Park for their first Sunday night Moondance. Turn off your Swing Kids DVD and take advantage of free dance lessons starting at 6:30 PM; David Berger & the Sultans of Swing hitting the stage at 7:00 PM. [HRP]