Short Ends: Stallions To The Left Of Me, Stallions To The Right

· Butterscotch Stallion double-shot! Owen Wilson on his beloved nickname: "I love that. It has to be one of the most ridiculous, insane nicknames, but some of my friends have really picked up on it. I think they know it's kind of humiliating to me." Humiliating? Does a rainbow humiliate the sky? Also, the Stallion defiantly shakes his mane in Jay Leno's face tonight.
· "And quickly, a young, shrill, female voice came from backstage: 'It's LO-HAN! LO-HAN!!!'" Why is it so funny that Robert Altman can't remember Lindsay Lohan's name?
· Is it wrong to think that Quentin Tarantino is hanging out (or—shudder—sleeping) with Shar Jackson just for the kitsch value of being photographed with the mother of Britney Spears' layabout husband's illegitimate kids? Either way, nice mindfuck, QT.
· Catherine Zeta Jones' stalker gets three years in prison, a punishment previously established for Mel Gibson's scary prayer-buddy.