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The LAT bribed Vince Vaughn with breakfast and pre-Wedding Crashers debut plug time, distracting him with enough eggs and bacon to induce the actor to hold forth on the differences between Trent, his catchphrase-spawning Swingers character, and his more recent comedic work:

"To me these characters are really different," he said, making an impassioned if not entirely convincing argument. "The character in 'DodgeBall' is sort of not trying at life; he's very lazy. Whereas the guy in 'Wedding Crashers' loves life, and he's extremely motivated. Trent is a smoother character than Jeremy. Where Jeremy loves to eat, likes to dance, Trent never dances in 'Swingers.' He's not a big eater. He's more of a card player. The one thing they have in common is they're both trying to pick up girls."

While it may seem that Vaughn is putting too fine a point on his characters' eating and dancing habits, it's because he is at pains to point out that he takes his job seriously.

Maybe Vaughn will loosen up a little if he ever reaches the pay level of New Gay Mafia (look, we clumsily referenced this twice in consecutive posts!) don Will Ferrell, allowing him to more easily illustrate the nuances of his work, like "the one one where I wore the elf suit" versus "the one where they gave me twenty million to play a Nascar driver."

In other New Gay Mafia news: Ben Stiller defends "personal screenwriters" (like his collaborator, John Hamburg, and Will Ferrell's writer/director/HuffPo blogger Adam McKay against the LAT's insinuation that they are nothing but "perks" for high-priced actors. $250-K-per-week punch-up guys are people, too!