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While it may seem to the casual Lindsay Lohan observer that the starlet has toned down her partying ways lately, true fans (read: obsessed bloggers) know that the relative quiet on the Lohan front is due to her presence in Minnesota, where she's shooting Robert Altman's A Prairie Home Companion. Luckily, her antics have been captured by the local media there, where she's been seen getting carded and acting "hyper-active" while shopping at a local vintage clothing shop:

"One of my personal philosophies is to try not to jump to too many conclusions about people," said [shop manager] Menendez. "You know, she's 19 and she lives in a whole different environment; a whole different dimension from the rest of us. I just chalk it up to a tight shooting schedule."

How typically Minnesotan of Menendez to offer up excuses about behavior she was not inclined to confirm. Maybe Ella should be an NYC publicist!

"Well, I think, the description I can give you honestly is that she acted like she was on too much coffee," said Menendez. "And I'll leave it at that."

You just know that Lohan's flack, Leslie Sloane, jotted down that "too much coffee" freebie, which will allow her to mix in a new excuse (the "puberty" line is already stale, and "exercising too hard" only has one or two more turns left) every time Lohan's bony breastplate is featured on the cover of Star.