To Do: Wald, Proops, Vacation

· Author Elijah Wald reads from and signs his book The Mayor of MacDougal Street: A Memoir, the story of bluesman Dave van Ronk, whom KCRW's website says "ate a bowl of Dylan and Mitchell for breakfast and washed it down with a piping hot cup of Biaz." (Baez?) Tonight at Book Soup.
· Bespectacled inquisitor Greg Proops returns to Largo with the Greg Proops Chat Show. Tonight's guests include Craig "The Guy Who Took Over For Kilborn Still Has A Show" Ferguson and Largo music staple Jude. Tough questions will be asked, friends and memories made.
· Free music, if you're into that kind of thing: The Vacation and the Business Machines at the Troubadour, while The BellRays do Spaceland's magic, cover-free Monday night residency.