Short Ends: Andy Milonakis, Old Soul

· It may not be "news," but it was definitely news to us: MTV's Andy "The Super Bowl is Gay" Milonakis isn't a creepy 14-year-old with a TV show, he's a creepy 29-year-old with a growth-hormone disorder. Do you get the sense that MTV isn't exactly publicizing this fact? [via]
· Hey, unicorns!
· "Pa, pa!" "What's wrong, Half Pint?" "You gotta come down to the Olsen's Mercantile! Doc Baker is dead, pa!"
· Never mind that Russell Crowe's Oscar-winning Maximus was dramatically killed at the end of Gladiator, or that Crowe might be on "special phone-tossing hiatus" for seven years. Let's talk sequel!
· You expect us to believe that Madonna didn't write every word in her children's books? What's next, you're going to try and convince us that the rain isn't actually Jesus's tears?