• How did an Indo-Englishman with an all-American name become synonymous with Brazilian music?, asks Flavorpill of Joe Davis. Beats us. But he DJs at APT tonight, with free vodka between 9 and 10pm to boot. [flavorpill]
• Steven Berlin Johnson, author of Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Pop Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter (also known as How We Justify Watching Desperate Housewives Reruns This Summer Even Though We Saw The Same Episodes The First Time Around), speaks at the National Museum of the American Indian on "how the design of social spaces in interactive environments is based on the translation of metropolitan values, or the 'value of sidewalks,' building on the intelligence of great cities and neighborhoods." We'd probably have to watch some more TV if we want to figure out what the fuck this means. [Upcoming]
• Victor Navasky and David Levine of The Nation partake in a discussion at the Strand Bookstore regarding the ethical issues entailed in political cartooning. Now you know where to go to get your questions answered on the decency of the latest Ben Sargent quip. [Strand]