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Tom Cruise might be too busy playing with speedboats in Rome (where he began shooting M:I3) to engage in the kind of utterly charming psychiatry-baiting and sofa-stomping activities that we all miss so dearly, but the blog chatter lives on. During a recent viewing of Cruise's PKE (Pat Kingsley Era) movie Vanilla Sky, The Save Dakota blog (War of the Worlds is over now, so she's probably safe) notices something eerily prescient in a dream sequence:

Okay, so last night I was watching Vanilla Sky, a flick that I luff and that TC's presence hasn't ruined entirely for me. And at the very beginning, TC's character is having a dream. He's first driving, then running through NYC streets, which are quiet and lifeless and empty. Freakout.

And there are many/several very quick, like one-frame cuts. So I puts the DVD on pause and start clicking through the dream frame by frame, wanting to see if there are any clues given away in this incredibly fast-paced edit. And there are a few — a picture of the character's father, a picture of Courtney Love to whom he is supposed to be responding via email, a few covers of the magazine he runs (Rise) ... aaaaaaaand ... the cover of a (fake) magazine that is the flagstone of his deceased father's career, TV Digest.

Guess who's on the cover, posing kinda sexy-like?

Katie "I'm as virginial as Britney Spears was when she was feigning innocence" Holmes.

Cameron Crowe fansite The Uncool also notes this "secret" of Vanilla Sky: "During the subliminal imagery at the 03:50 minute mark (Times Square Sequence), an image of Katie Holmes on a rubber tire is seen. The same picture was used on the cover of Rolling Stone in late '98/early '99. "

Surely, this is all merely a very amusing coincidence. Everyone knows that if Tom Cruise was trying to plan ahead for a very public, future relationship, he would've aimed a little higher (after all, he was closer to the height of his powers) and slipped a picture of Jessica Alba into the movie.